Our mission is to enrich the provider-patient relationship near the end of life through education, collaboration and recognition. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. A defining characteristic of the Cunniff-Dixon Foundation is that we are not aligned with any outside organizations and have no commercial affiliations. Donations come from those solely interested and committed to our mission.
Founders Statement
The Cunniff-Dixon Foundation was created in 2005 in memory of Carley Cunniff and in recognition of Dr. Peter S. Dixon. Carley died in January of 2005 after a 3- year battle with breast cancer. Peter Dixon was her attending physician during her last year; he was the guiding light who enabled her to die a peaceful death at home with
Remembering Andy: Letter From Dr. Peter Dixon
It is with great sadness we announce the death of CDF Founder Matthew (Andy) Baxter. The Cunniff Dixon Foundation sorely misses our visionary and leader who transitioned quietly, surrounded by family, and in peace on February 21, 2022. A compassionate champion of quality end-of-life care, Andy was also our dear friend and mentor. It is a privilege to carry
Dr. Peter Dixon, MD, FACP
For over 31 years, Peter Dixon has been practicing the art of good doctoring. With adult primary care the focus of his practice, many of his patients are over 80, and he is renowned as it pertains to quality end of life care. He is highly regarded for his abilities in enabling patients to spend their final months, weeks and